We undertake end-to-end recruitment process for you starting from sourcing of candidates to salary negations with candidates. Getting the right candidates at the right time is every HR Managers dream. At Jconnect Infotech, we work towards achieving that dream for you. We have considerable expertise in providing Permanent Staffing at various levels. Our streamlined system is tuned to understand the client requirement and select the right candidate that matches their needs, both technically and culturally.
Our permanent staffing selection is carried out through one of these ways:
* Selection from our wide database: Jconnect Infotech has one of the widest and most refined database of prospective employees from various fields. This huge stream of employee listing could be fully leveraged by our clients, ensuring the widest possible search for the best candidates. Selecting from our database also means a quick solution for your staffing needs.
* Selection through Advertisements: When volume response is the need of the hour, nothing works better than advertising the required positions. Apart from quick and bulk responses, advertisements also bring the company in to the attention of the media and the prospective candidates. Jconnect Infotech can come up with highly creative and strategic advertisement concepts that drive considerable responses to the vacant positions.
* Head Hunting: Our team has expertise on how to source candidates by head-hunting through social networking sites, references etc. A key factor that differentiates Jconnect Infotech from other companies is our unique unit structure. Each unit consists of two consultants who are responsible for both client service and candidate selection. They work as a team ensuring one is always available to our clients and candidates. The teams are often dedicated to specific specialties.
Replacement Guaranteed
We guarantee the stay of candidates for a minimum period of 3 months (only in case of permanent position). In case the candidate leaves within 3 months of joining, Jconnect Infotech would provide a suitable candidate within 1 month.